CBD-Search Member News Articles
Cheap Website Upkeep Service

HeyDan Development, the creator of CBD-Search, is now available to help keep the content of your website up-to-date for a small fee.

Hayden Andrews, the owner of HeyDan Development, and his wife are soon to move to Thailand to live, minister and serve God. As a way of providing an income while living in Thailand, Hayden is making himself available to keep the content of your site updated and current, for a small cost.

Many people have created their own website but then find the time and effort involved keeping the site up-to-date on a regular basis is just too much. Hayden is therefore offering a service to update your website's content, on your instruction, leaving your website structure and design as it is.

This relationship will operate in such a way that you, the customer, will provide Hayden with textual update instructions via email, and Hayden will apply these changes at the earliest possible opportunity on your behalf. While in Thailand, Hayden and Emily are focused on serving God and providing a basic income through their own skills, instead of trying to generate a large profit. Hayden would therefore prefer to provide you with an approximate number of hours per month for a mutually agreed monthly fee.

This is not an opportunity to be missed! As well as ensuring that your website remains current and up-to-date, you will be supporting a couple serving God in Thailand. If this opportunity is of interest to you, then please get in contact with Hayden today.

Hayden is also available for other Web and Internet related work. If you are interested, please contact HeyDan Development for more information.

More information on what Hayden and Emily are up to can be found at their personal Blog site (HayEmX.blogspot.com)

Saturday, March 11, 2006


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