CBD-Search Member News Articles
T.E.S. (The Evangelization Society)

TES is a long established mission agengy working in evangelism in the UK.

In 2004, 'the Society' changed its mode of operation to become a grant-making trust offering grants to evangelists and evangelistic ministries in the UK. (Please note that our constitution does not allow us to make grants to work outside of the UK. Also we do not support, however worthy, projects that are solely church-based and therefore, in the opinion of the Trustees, should be supported by the local congregation).

If you wish to consider applying for a grant you should in the first instance contact the Trust Manager by e-mail or post (P.O. Box 63, CULLOMPTON, EX15 2YQ), with an outline of the project which you wish the Society to consider for a grant.

Thank you for your interest in TES.

Tuesday, August 15, 2006


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