CBD-Search Member News Articles
Your own Photo Album Website

At HeyDan.org, we are offering pre-installed websites at rock bottom prices. We take the best of the free software available and set you up with a working site.

We charge a very small fee for installation and software upgrades and also charge for the disk space and bandwidth your site uses (at incredibly low prices), a percentage of which is donated to the authors of the software.

Currently we have just one pre-installed website application. It is a site that you can use to upload and categorise your photos. These are then available for your friends and family to look at and to make comments on.

For details of what is available, and the related costs, please visit our website - you will also find a live demo of a photo album site.

We expect to have more pre-installed site options available in the very near future, so please check our site often.

Friday, October 02, 2009
Try a Site

Are you (or someone you know) thinking about setting up a new website?

If you are looking for the cheapest solution available, come and visit us at HeyDan.org. Every month we are offering more features, all at super low prices.

Start by renting one of our sub-domains (rather than purchasing your own domain). This will cost you a fraction of the price, and you can always easily purchase your own domain name later which we can then attach to your site.

Your website will cost you just cents per month. If you decide to use a lot of disk space, or your site becomes incredibly popular, then you can expect the cost to go up, but you will need an incredibly popular, rather large, website to be paying the same as other hosting companies charge for small, not so popular websites.

If your site does become big and popular, we will not throttle your site or hinder you in any way. You simply pay for what you use and we simply provide what you need.

Our sites all run under Apache and have PHP5 available. We also have postGres databases available if required.

Come and visit our site today and see if we are able to meet your needs....

Cheap Hosting

Are you looking for cheap web hosting? Cheap email hosting? Are you thinking about setting up a new website but don't want to pay full cost before seeing how successful the new site is?

HeyDan Development are now selling web/email disk space and bandwidth for the lowest prices available. They also are selling domain names, DNS services, postGres databases, Icecast streaming servers and more.

All emails come with a great spam protection solution and are available via POP3, IMAP or our simple web based email tool.

There are no limits on disk space or bandwidth used - you simply pay for as much (or as little) as you use. You can therefore have an unlimited number of websites, email address, databases, and more... We have no Conditions of what types of files may be stored on our server, and we do not throttle overly popular sites - you simply pay only for what you actually use.

We are also renting out sub-domain names. This means that you don't have to purchase a domain name just yet if you would rather wait. Instead, you can simply borrow one of ours. Once you are ready to purchase your domain name, we will simply redirect everything from the rented domain name to your new domain name for as long as you require.

As we are just making our services publically available, you may worry that your intended usage may break our [yet unfinalised] Terms & Conditions. The solution? Simply contact us with any queries and concerns and we will do our best to accommodate you.

There are plenty more possibilities available at HeyDan.org. We are aiming to be as flexible as possible, meaning that you can use as little or as much of our services as you want. You can purchase your domain with us, or else where. You can make use of our DNS services, or someone else's. You can use us for just your website or your emails and use someone else's services for the rest, or you can host everything with us. Maybe you are happy with your current hosting solution, but you need a postGres database or an IceCast streaming server. We can provide these individually too.

Entertainment+Christian Message = Impact

It is always great to have the opportunity to share my Christian faith with kids. However, sometimes we waste a great opportunity because we fail to connect with the kids. I have made a living of teaching with entertainment. The entertainment I use is magic...

Here's a simple and fun piece you can use with any group.

Jesus Forgives

You take some time to talk about sin and forgiveness, you have each child write on a slip of paper one sin that they are truly sorry for. You then take the slips of paper and burn them in a coffee can (make sure you do this in an area that it is safe to do this). As you are burning the paper explain that their prayers for forgiveness rise with the smoke. And when you say you are sorry and truly mean it who forgives you? As the students reply to your question, you take some ash from the burnt papers and rub it on your forearm and the message.. "Jesus" appears.

Needed: Slips of paper, container to burn paper, matches/lighter and bar of soap.

Step By Step Instructions: Prior to class take the bar of soap and cut off a piece so it is triangular in shape with a point at one end. In this way it resembles a writing implement. Wet the point of the triangle and write "Jesus" on your arm. Let the soap and water dry then go about the rest of your class preparation. This really works itself.. have the kids write their sins on the slips of paper and burn them. After they have burned out, ask them the question, "What happens if you are truly sorry for your sins?" As they respond take some of the ash from the slips of paper and rub them on your forearm. The ash will adhere to the dried soap on your arm and the message "Jesus" appears.

After Thoughts: Since fire is used, you should only do this with older students. Another important point that must be mentioned is that it is a very good idea to let the students know that this is a very clever trick and maybe consider explaining how it works. The last thing we want are the students going home telling their parents that  "Jesus" miraculously appeared on your arm.

Technical Notes: After preparing our forearm with the message, don't get all hot and sweaty because sweat will remove the soap. Then when you get to the end, all you'll wind up with is a big black smudge on your arm. If you know that you'll be working up a sweat, set up your arm right before the demonstration.


This is just one way I use the fun of magic to bring home an important object lesson. If you would like more ideas feel free to e-mail me for more information.

Teach, have fun, and bring the message of Christ to the young!