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VBI Offers a BCS Degree

We are delighted to be able to announce that VBI has now added significant value by being able to offer a Bachelor of Christian Studies (BCS) issued by St Stephen's University (SSU). SSU is a chartered university in New Brunswick, Canada that offers legally recognized Bachelors and Masters Qualifications. After a period of dialogue with SSU and various steps to structure our curriculum to fulfil the necessary requirements, the new relationship commenced as of 1st June 2006. This is almost exactly 6 years since the launch of VBI in May 2000.

This step is simultaneous with a partnership with Trinity Learning Community, based in Corona, California, which will offer the VBI bachelors program along with its own Masters program, also under the SSU umbrella. More institutional partnerships of this kind (as with TLC) will probably emerge in the future. Since our goal is to empower the local church, the VBI/SSU degree can be deployed in other ministry schools or colleges.

The BCS will be the highest qualification we offer. However, VBI will continue to offer other levels of reward to facilitate the education and training of those who wish to achieve a qualification that does not have all the requirements of the SSU degree, namely a Licentiate in Theology and the various Diplomas that constitute the building blocks of both levels of qualification.

This new relationship has caused us to review our whole system and has resulted in a new Instruction Manual that functions as a prospectus and road map to our online system. We urge all students to download this file and read at least the chapter entitled "Curriculum overview" to familiarize themselves with the new features. You will also find that the tutorial letters for each diploma (also in the Instruction Manual) are vastly improved and explain how to progress in your studies and which courses to choose. Please do read the tutorial letter relevant to your work before emailing our office with inquiries. We may well reply by simply directing you to a certain page on the Instruction Manual.

We trust that you will rejoice with us as we make this announcement,

Derek Morphew (Director)
Vineyard Bible Institute

Saturday, December 16, 2006


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