CBD-Search Member News Articles
Bangkok Student Centre

A new ministry is being developed to serve the students of Raamkhamhaeng, Bangkok's largest university, and also to create unity among the churches in the local area.

We are currently in the process of setting up this ministry, close to the gates of the university. Although we have many plans and ideas for this centre, it will primarily focus on providing study services for university students. This is a much needed service, and through this we hope to share the gospel, and also to introduce students to the services offered by various local churches, which may be of use to them.

Unity among the local churches is very important to us, so rather than starting up a new thing, by copying the services that local churches already offer, we want to offer something truly new, redirecting our customers to the services of the local church as there is need. We would also like to offer ourselves as helpful to the local churches, giving something to them instead of expecting things from them.

For more information on our thoughts and plans, please visit Bangkok Drop-In Centre Project.

Tuesday, September 19, 2006


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